The process of registration for volunteering at the EYOF 2022 is simple. Above all, it is necessary to read the conditions: what we expect and require from volunteers. Secondly, it is necessary to get the understanding of the registration procedure and register.
Registration volunteers launching March 11, 2021.
Online Interview
Each registered applicant who is interested in becoming the member of “I am Volunteer EYOF 2022” volunteer team, must pass an online interview.
Education and training
General training*
The general training is focused on getting familiar with rights and obligations of volunteers and recipients of volunteering activity & the importance of volunteering at the EYOF Banska Bystrica 2022,
Other topics of training: what to do in case of emergencies. Health and safety training. Discussion and signing of a volunteering agreement between the volunteer and recipient of volunteering activity.
Specialized training I.*
The specialized training is focused on the theoretical training and education related to specific activities that volunteers will perform in a volunteer position during the EYOF Banska Bystrica 2022.
Specialized training II.
The training is focused on practical training and acquainting with specific activities that volunteers will do at their specific volunteer’s positions.
Note: *General and Specialized Training I. will be held in one day. It will be possible to complete the trainings through online education (e-learning).
Accompanying events for volunteers
The Accompanying events for volunteers are one-day events focused on creating and strengthening professional as well as personal relationships between volunteers with the goal of forming one team.
Participation of volunteers in the events is voluntary and their course is informal. The accompanying events for volunteers have different character and they are preferably intended for a specific section of volunteers.
Organizing team of Volunteers’ department will inform already registered volunteers about the upcoming accompanying evets via a volunteer portal and Newsletters.
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Registered volunteers who pass the personal (or other) interview, participate in the test event, successfully pass general and specialized training, sign volunteers’ contract, and obtain volunteer uniform will be able to do voluntary service.
More about the conditions and volunteer service in the section volunteer service.