Sustainable, green EYOF Banská Bystrica 2022
EYOF Banská Bystrica 2022 is an multi-sport event for young people aged 14 to 18 from fifty European countries.
In addition to 3,600 young athletes and their entourage, Banska Bystrica will be also visited by the IOC, EOC, NOC representatives, governmental representatives of different European countries, fans, parents of talented athletes and their other family members.
According to preliminary estimates, there should be approximately 7,000 accredited guests from all over Europe in Banská Bystrica at the time of the event. The event will affect not only Banská Bystrica itself, but also the entire region. The competitions will take place in Zvolen, Detva, Slovenská Ľupča and Badín.
The organization and realisation of such a large international event with such a high number of athletes, guests, delegates and, last but not least, of the organizers bring with ,in addition to a number of organizational challenges, also a huge impact on the environment. It is for this reason that we make every effort to reduce and minimize the impact on the environment and initiate the project "Sustainable, green EYOF".
We sensitively perceive the global climate change, environmental pollution, the accumulation of plastics, the loss of biodiversity, etc and we don't want to ignore it. On the contrary, with effective and sustainable tools we want to reduce these negative phenomena and through educational activities raise the awareness of the importance of finding sustainable solutions at all levels - not only social (sports, cultural and organizational), but also individual (change of personal preferences and settings).
In addition to well-prepared sports venues and experiences from great sports performances, interactive activities and entertainment in the FAN zone, we have higher ambitions. We aspire to make this event in the heart of Europe as responsible and sustainable as possible.
It is important to us that athletes, delegates and fans and the public perceive the social responsibility that each of us has towards the environment. In order to change their habits in a non-violent and natural way and to gain new knowledge in the future from the area of "green" topics, which will become permanent and ubiquitous for everyone.
As organizers, we know that before and especially during the event, a large amount of energy and materials is consumed and a huge amount of waste is produced. Therefore, we want to apply ecologically and sustainably acceptable procedures especially in this area, by implementing solutions that reduce or even prevent the waste production. Consistent waste management within the principles of circular economy will be set up.
There is always a chance to do something good. Something important. We just have to see the opportunity. Just like when you watch your environment and know that you can do a lot for it: changing habits, paying attention to the consequences, reducing the negative impacts. You can also give others a chance to join. Sport is especially important because it has the power to inspire others.
We feel that it is our "duty" to organize such a large event in as much as possible sustainable way and so to contribute to a more sustainable development of our planet at all.
The Organizing Committee truely believes that together with the strong partners of the EYOF 2022 sustainable strategy will create a great opportunity to raise the profile of this topic and emphasize its necessity not only in Slovakia but also in the world.