Voluntary service
SUCCESSFUL compliance of the volunteer program
Almost everyone who has reached the age of 16 years old on the day of the signing of the volunteers’ contract can become a volunteer. Volunteers aged between 16 and 17 years old may attend only with written approval of legal representative.
Volunteers, by signing the contract, agree to carry out volunteering activities during the whole event EYOF in Banska Bystrica 2022 and in places of other sports grounds. Some volunteer positions will require longer cooperation and collaboration before the start of the organized event. These positions are appropriate for students and retirees.
Each volunteer must volunteer for at least 8 hours a day through all duration of the EYOF 2022. During the volunteer shift (8 hours) volunteer has the right to obtain a snack and one hot meal. If the volunteer works 10 or more hours during the day, he/she is entitled to obtain additional refreshments in the form of a baguette or a dinner. Water or other fluids will be provided at all times. Time extent voluntary changes depends also on the field in which volunteer carries out volunteer activities. We will need the help of volunteers during the preparations for the event and after it.
The volunteer must respect and behave according to the Volunteer Code, the Manual of Activities on Volunteering Positions, and the Agreement about the Volunteering Activities.
Volunteer area
1. Administration
The administrative activities are not physically demanding; thus, no specific state of physical fitness is required. As a volunteer, you will help and assist with a wide variety of tasks on several departments linked to the organisational committee. For instance, you will be handing out clothes and volunteer-uniforms, and similar simple tasks, which require knowledge of the English language. If necessary, you might be assigned to different volunteering positions, hence you could gain more and/or different experience and skills outside of the administrative area.
Your help will be needed a few days before the EYOF Banská Bystrica 2022 begins, but also during the event. Your additional help after the event would be highly appreciated.
2. Accreditation and registration
None of the activities in this department are physically nor professionally demanding. The activities include control of the date in the accreditation system, taking pictures of accredited individuals, printing & laminating documents, dealing with sporadic problems related to accreditation and registration, handing out accreditation cards and communicating with the accredited individuals. This department requires communication skills and knowledge of English and/or other languages.
Your help is needed already a few days before the beginning of the EYOF Banská Bystrica 2022, as well as during the entire event. This position requires English/and or another language, basic computer skills and team spirit.
3. Security
Security is our number one priority; Therefore, we are also looking for volunteers covering this area. Your tasks would include helping coordinate the visitors, checking accreditation cards, help with check-ups, cooperation with official security providers as well as communication in English or other languages with different departments. To volunteer on this position, volunteers have to take part in certified security training. After the training, you can become a member of the organisation team in the open space, on the sports fields or in the main security centre.
Your help is needed already a few days before the EYOF Banská Bystrica 2022. This is for you to become familiar with the environment you will volunteer in. That being said, your presence is mostly required during the entire event.
4. Catering
Volunteering in catering is great for anyone, all tasks are simple and not physically demanding. Volunteers will help with preparing snacks and delegating people onto the sports fields, in the main catering tent and in the VIP area. This position offers an opportunity for students and graduates from culinary schools to gain experience in catering to the biggest sports event in the history of Slovakia.
Your help is needed four days before the EYOF Banská Bystrica 2022, as well as during the entire event. This position requires good time management skills, and a willingness to work in a team. If you are interested specifically in working in the VIP area, knowledge of the English language is required.
5. Ceremonies
Volunteers will help with preparing the ceremonies and decorating the best athletes.
Your help is needed a few days before the EYOF Banská Bystrica 2022, as well as during the entire event. Knowledge of the English language is not necessary, but it can be an advantage.
6. Transport and logistics
In this department, all activities are centred around transportation, more specifically the transportation of the VIP members, members of national Olympic expeditions, and members of the organisational team. Hence why professional driving skills are crucial for volunteering on this position as well as a professional attitude and pleasant demeanour.
When it comes to the department of logistics, the volunteering activities are physically demanding. The tasks include supplying for the event EYOF Banská Bystrica 2022, offering the opportunity to have a hands-on experience with preparation and execution of logistical processes and strategic planning. Therefore, these volunteers will gain a vast range of experience in logistics. If you already possess such skills, you will be given the opportunity to share your knowledge and educate your volunteering team members.
Your help is needed a few days before the EYOF Banská Bystrica 2022, as well as during the entire event.
7. Sustainability
It is a priority for us in the organisational team to create the EYOF Banská Bystrica 2022 in a way, which is as friendly to the environment as possible. Therefore, you can volunteer as a “Waste Agent”, and help us raise awareness amongst about sustainability via interactive games about waste separation. The goal of this department is to make the event as sustainable as possible and prevent waste accumulation so common during major sports events.
Your responsibilities as a “Waste Agent” include making sure the stadium and fun zones are clean and organised. As a volunteer, you will be also coordinating the spread of knowledge about the importance of ecology and sustainability.
Your help and eco-friendly attitude are needed during the event EOYF Banská Bystrica 2022.
8. Infrastructure
All volunteering activities related to assisting the professionals responsible for infrastructure. More specifically, volunteers will be asked to help with the technical preparation of the EYOF 2022 Banská Bystrica area. Most activities are physically demanding.
Your help is needed a few days before the EYOF Banská Bystrica 2022. During the event, we ask you to be flexible and help whenever it might be needed. If interested in helping after the event, your assistance will be appreciated.
9. IT
Volunteering activities in this area include technical and IT preparation of the EYOF Banská Bystrica 2022 area. The activities are designed to be manageable for everyone, you don´t need to be physically fit nor have experience in the field of IT. However, knowledge of IT and digital infrastructures is an advantage.
Your help is needed a few days before the EYOF Banská Bystrica 2022, as well as during the entire event. If interested in helping after the event, your assistance will be appreciated.
10. Media and PR communication
The media and PR communication department offers the opportunity to gain valuable experience in PR communication. Volunteering in this department is not physically demanding as it is centred around assisting journalists and photographers in preparing documents and content. This position is a perfect opportunity for students of journalism or bloggers to use their knowledge to interview athletes and members of Olympic committees, writing short articles, and assisting in press conferences about the event.
Your help is needed during the event EOYF Banská Bystrica 2022, more specifically in our Media Point Centres (MPC). If interested to help with setting up MPC, don´t hesitate and write to us. Knowledge of the English language is an advantage.
11. Marketing and fun zones
In marketing, you will prepare the area of the event EYOF Banská Bystrica 2022 – sports grounds, fun zones, accommodation, etc. No professionals experience or skills from marketing are necessary, only attention to detail and ability to work in a team. Moreover, in the fun zones, you are required to guide people entering, help in the cloakroom, and register visitors into their activities. Further help with managing the sports and fun activities is appreciated.
Your help is needed a few days before the EYOF Banská Bystrica 2022, as well as during the entire event. Knowledge of the English language is not necessary, but it can be an advantage.
12. OCEP - School program
Volunteering in this department is not physically demanding nor require any professional knowledge. All the activities will be held in the Fun Zones for the public and in the one for athletes. As volunteers, you will be assigned a range of educational activities aimed at spreading positivity, wellness and the idea of Olympionism.
Your help and eco-friendly attitude are needed during the event EOYF Banská Bystrica 2022.
13. NOC Services
Support of the National Olympic Committees gives volunteers the opportunity to get to know the members of these committees, assist them and guide them through the event. Volunteers need to be able to be there for the committee members during the entire event, therefore they need to be flexible in their time management. Moreover, all volunteers need to be acquainted with administrative tasks, be familiar with the town Banská Bystrica, and have great communication skills.
Your help is needed already a few days before the EYOF Banská Bystrica 2022, as well as during the entire event.
14. Sport
As a volunteer in this area, you will take part in all activities linked to our 11 sports disciplines at the EYOF 2022 Banská Bystrica, at the sports grounds or stadiums. Some of these tasks are physically demanding. Your tasks would include mostly coordinating visitors and athletes, as well as technical support. All other activities are linked to the management of the event. Experience in doing sports is an advantage.
Your help is needed a few days before the EYOF Banská Bystrica 2022, as well as during the entire event.
15. Accommodation
Volunteering in this department and helping with accommodating guests does not require any specialisation. Moreover, these activities and are not physically demanding.
Your help is needed a few days before the EYOF Banská Bystrica 2022, as well as during the entire event.
16. VIP Guests and Protocol
Volunteering in this department consists of accompanying VIP guests in all designated areas. We expect you to have great communication skills, a pleasant attitude, a sense for spatial orientation, and good time management skills.
Your help and positive energy are needed during the entire event of EYOF Banská Bystrica 2022.
17. First Aid and anti-doping
All volunteering tasks within this field are in collaboration with the official health authorities. Hence, applicants with background and/or knowledge of medicine are preferred. Volunteers in the anti-doping department are expected to accompany athletes from the moment they go to the anti-doping exams, up until they are brought to an anti-doping commissar.
Your help and good energy are needed during the entire event of EYOF Banská Bystrica 2022.
Volunteers equipment and benefits
Every volunteer is entitled to receive:
- limited edition of clothing (volunteers’ uniforms),
- gift items in the EYOF 2022 design,
- insurance during the volunteering service,
- accommodation for volunteers with permanent residence outside of the Banska Bystrica region.
Organizing committee is preparing extra benefits for volunteers. Specific benefits will be added and published on the web site and in user’s portal for registered volunteers.