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OCEP | EYOF Banská Bystrica 2022


The Olympic Culture and Education Programme (OCEP) will be taking place during the school year 2021/2022. It will be an exclusive programme for 50 selected schools from Slovakia, which are going to cooperate with 50 schools from every European country. The cooperation will consist of mutual communication and exchange of information from various areas e. g. geography, history, culture, sports etc.

The Slovak schools will be receiving material support in form of publications and promotional materials. They will also have a chance to meet with athletes and Olympians, to visit Slovak Olympic and Sports Museum in Bratislava and much more.

Schools involved in the programme will have an opportunity to be a part of the EYOF in Banská Bystrica 2022 by presenting their experience in the stalls installed in the Fun Zone.


The OCEP includes the core elements of Coubertin’s philosophy, which are codified in the Olympic Charter, and that can provide obvious benefits in multiple learning environments, when used with a values-based approach:

• Development of body, will and mind: All schools should aim to produce well-rounded individuals who are physically, culturally, psychologically and socially adept, capable of meeting the challenges faced during childhood and adolescence.

• Joy of effort: Schools should encourage striving for one’s personal best and the joy accompanying this effort.

• Value of role models: All schools should seek to develop and embrace the concept of leading by positive example. Peer leaders should be promoted, celebrated and utilised in every facet of life.

• Promotion of universal ethics: Schools should champion the use of sport and cultural expression to promote humanistic attributes such as tolerance, respecting diversity and living through ‘fair play’.