The EOC Coordination Commission has no reservations on the EYOF 2022 Banská Bystrica preparations progress
Thursday, 26 November 2020

Members of the Coordination Commission of the European Olympic Committees (EOC) for the European Youth Olympic Festival Banská Bystrica 2022 do not have significant remarks on the preparations for the largest multi-sport event in Slovakia. They were informed about the current situation by members of the Organising Committee by video conference.
The coronavirus pandemic has made a visit of the members of the EOC Coordination Commission, led by Joseph Cassar from Malta, in person to Banská Bystrica impossible twice already. First visit was to be held in April 2020 and second in September 2020, both had to be cancelled. As the current anti-pandemic measures make it challenging to travel between countries, meeting was held via video conference. This was the first time that the Coordination Commission for EYOF 2022 Banská Bystrica meeting was held online.
Joseph Cassar, Cristina Vasilian from Moldova, Azer Aliyev from Azerbaijan, Stavri Bello from Albania, former great table tennis player Jean-Michel Saive from Belgium, Macedonian Nebojsa Nastov and EOC Sports Director Peter Brüll were updated on the state of preparations within the various departments of the Organising Committee during the video conference. In the discussion, the questions primarily focused on sports and accommodation infrastructure. The organizers also presented first outline of the program of the event, which will take place from 24th to 30th July 2022, as well as the various steps that awaiting in the following period.
Another international review awaits the organizers of the EYOF probably in May 2021, when they will present the state of preparations at the EOC Seminar in Šamorín.
“Members of the EOC Coordination Commission were given the opportunity to see the presentation individual sport venues and their respective background facilities and became familiar with the complete organization of the Festival. Representatives of the Coordination Commission are professionals who understand the organization of major sport events. For this reason, their primary attention was on the topics of accommodation, catering and transport. We know where we still have shortcomings in these areas. By the beginning of the event, however, everything will be 100% ready. In the meantime, the members of the coordination commission will come to check the state of preparations also in person,” said EYOF 2022 Banská Bystrica Executive Director Peter Hamaj.
In total, almost 2,500 young athletes aged between 14 and 18 and more than 1,000 other members of their teams are expected in Banská Bystrica at the EYOF 2022. The competitions will take place in eleven sports. In addition to Banská Bystrica, competitions will take place in Slovenská Ľupča, Detva and Zvolen.

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