The premiere of a new discipline at EYOF 2022: Mixed pairs in gymnastics was watched by many people
Friday, 29 July 2022

At the ice hockey stadium in Banská Bystrica, which became the home of the gymnastics competitions at EYOF 2022, the spectators could see the fight for medal collections in the mixed pairs competition. The competition, which experienced its premiere, was dominated by the Italian representatives.
Riccardo Villa and Arianna Grillo were satisfied with their performance in the competition. “I’m very happy for my performance on the floor because I could stick two saltos. I fell on the beam and I am sad about it but I was able to perform well at the vault where I stuck my landings,” said Grillo after the competition.
Gymnasts found good conditions in Banská Bystrica thanks to modern and professional equipment. “I really like the training hall, the stadium, and the modern equipment that is here. These are great conditions for us.”
The silver in the new competition was won by the German team consisting of Jukka Ole Nissinen and Helen Kevric. The bronze goes to Ukraine thanks to Radomyr Stelmakh and Anna Lashchevska.

15. August 2022
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30. July 2022
Let her be happy in what she does
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