The SOSC together with the Banská Bystrica Self-governing Region and the CVČ JUNIOR will help with the school program
Wednesday, 28 October 2020

Organizing Committee of the XVI. European Youth Olympic Festival will be closely cooperating with the Slovak Olympic and Sports Committee (SOSC) in this school program, as the Olympic Values Education Programme (OVEP) is included in the portfolio of SOSC’s activities .
This project will be primarily organized in the Banská Bystrica region over the next two years and will also draw attention to the EYOF 2022 Banská Bystrica.
On this occasion, the SOSC signed a Memorandum of Cooperation with the Banská Bystrica Self-Governing Region and the Center of the leisure time CVČ JUNIOR. Together, they will not only implement the OVEP program, but will also promote activities aimed at the development of physical education and sport.
Physical activity and sport have significant benefits for health, well-being and youth development. Sport can be a fantastic tool for outcomes such as peace, holistic education and social development. Recognizing the unique potential of sport as an educational and communication tool, the Olympic Values Education Programme is a practical set of learning resources designed to inspire and allow young people to experience life values such as excellence, respect and friendship.
The Memorandum of Cooperation was signed by Ján Lunter, President of the Banská Bystrica self-governing region, Anton Siekel, President of the SOSC, and Jarmila Lipková, Director of the CVČ JUNIOR Banská Bystrica.
“Today, it is more than necessary to bring Olympic values closer to the young people and to apply them in their lives. SOSC wants to inspire the young generation to correct moral and ethical behavior through sport, which is a tool for personality development and education,” said Anton Siekel, President of the SOSC.

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