Sunday, 20 February 2022

Preparations for the largest multi-sport event in Slovakia continue. The organisers decided to explain the benefits and advantages of the EYOF, especially for the inhabitants of the Banská Bystrica region. The campaign focuses on one area each week and presents all the benefits for the city and the region. 

Investing in the future of the city and the region 

Subsidies for the city and region

The organisation of a major international event will not be possible without public institutions such as cities, regions, Slovak ministries and the European Union. All grants awarded from these entities are used by the organising committee to prepare the event. 

The citizens of the city will also feel the reflection of investments 

In addition to subsidies, the region will also benefit from other investments, which will have a positive impact on infrastructure, economics, sports, social affairs and the environment. 

Reconstruction of dormitories 

The EYOF will be attended by more than 7,000 domestic and foreign participants. This number requires a large accommodation capacity. Banská Bystrica boarding schools will also be used for these needs. To meet the requirements of the EYOF, they underwent a reconstruction which will be appreciated by boarding students after the event. The premises can also be used for other major international events. 

Reconstruction of local roads around the city 

Organising the event brings also the advantages in the form of reconstruction of the roads. It is necessary to have quality roads for comfortable movement of all participants in the city, but also outside the city due to the ongoing bicycle races. Citizens will thus use the repaired roads even after the end of the EYOF Banská Bystrica 2022 event.

15. August 2022

EYOF 2022 in Banská Bystrica shown in numbers

The European Youth Olympic Festival in Banská Bystrica brought, during its seven days (24 – 30 July 2022), an innumerable amount of great sports battles and experiences for future stars of ten sports sectors, including three team ones, in which young people competed under the Urpín and the surrounding area – mostly from 14 to […]

30. July 2022

Let her be happy in what she does

Renáta Jamrichová won two gold medals at the EYOF 2022 on Friday. First, in the afternoon, she dominated the girls’ singles, and later, together with her partner Daniel Balaščák, they won gold for the host country, this time in the mixed doubles. “It was a difficult match against quality opponents, but we managed it excellently. […]

EYOF 2022 surprised with attendance, almost 150.000 people visited the competitions and fan zones

Sixteenth summer European Youth Olympic Festival EYOF 2022  in Banská Bystrica and its surroundings is  coming to an end. Seven days of unforgettable moments and sports joy performed by young athletes in ten sports, but also commitment of the organisers, dedication and willingness of volunteers, and sporting experiences for a large number of spectators or […]

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